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Our mission: hospitality education

Sommet Education is the world’s leader in hospitality education.

We value our community.
We take care of more than 9,000 students and 10,000 learners from 100 countries in 22 campuses throughout the world. We unite a network of 60,000 alumni worldwide.

From Switzerland to South Africa, studying with us means gaining memorable life experience in exclusive locations.

Discover our training solutions for businesses

Equitis Romani autem esse filium criminis loco poni ab accusatoribus neque his iudicantibus oportuit neque defendentibus nobis. Nam quod de pietate dixistis, est quidem ista nostra existimatio, sed iudicium certe parentis; quid nos opinemur, audietis ex iuratis; quid parentes sentiant, lacrimae matris incredibilisque maeror, squalor patris et haec praesens maestitia, quam cernitis, luctusque declarat.

Business training solutions









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we have 5 legendary brands

We shape training paths and curricula ranging from
vocational courses to business education and higher education degrees.

People are our most important asset. We strive for growth for our business trainees and employees, and for employability for our students.

We are a team of 1,200 multicultural diverse professional talents and experts committed to excellence. 

Our schools

Sommet Education, it is 5 institutions over 22 campuses around the world. Each campus has its own unique identity and program focus. 







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